: Body / Mind / Spirit, Business / Economics
: Nipporica Associates, paperback
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. -- Henri Bergson Perception and Deception is a spirited, insightful, and timely exploration of cross-cultural miscommunication in an increasingly globalized, hyper-connected world. It offers an astonishing, intriguing, and sometimes tragic array of intercultural encounters that have gone wrong across the globe because of the limitations of our respective cultural lenses. The stories from over 70 countries (indexed by culture) are illuminated by the author's rich collection of international proverbs and sayings that reflect on the nature of perception, perspective, and "truth." In addition to these stories and reflections about cross-cultural misunderstandings, this expanded edition contains exercises that can be used as springboards for developing intercultural competence. At the end of each chapter there are questions and activities designed to develop and heighten cultural self-awareness and sensitivity