: Elyn Zimmerman, Pepe Karmel
: Artbook D A P, hardback
New York/California-based artist Elyn Zimmerman (born 1945) is primarily known for her large-scale, site-specific sculptures. However, she has also been creating and exhibiting drawings and photographs for 30 years. Zimmerman's photography was black and white throughout the 70s and for much of the 80s, until, in 1987, looking for more tone and texture, she created a portfolio of images called "Magna Graecia"--sepia-colored Iris prints on rough watercolor paper. A growing interest in color photography led her to produce the works collected in this book, with both the layout of the photographs and their subject matter having been initially informed by a series of drawings--the "Water Drawings"--that Zimmerman made in 2001, the year she began to employ full-color printing. "Elyn Zimmerman" includes an essay by Pepe Karmel and 70 color reproductions.