subject:"Epic poetry" from
A general survey of the Odyssey, together with comment on the action, characterisation and style of books XIX and XX.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
This translation captures the excitement, poetic energy, and intellectual force of Virgil's epic poem, 'The Aeneid'.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
The most eloquent translation of Homer's Odyssey into modern English.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
The centuries-old epic about the wrath of Achilles is rendered into modern English verse by a renowned translator
subject:"Epic poetry" from
The Faerie Queene was the first epic in English and one of the most influential poems in the language for later poets from Milton to Tennyson.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
Presents the legend of King Arthur in an epic, but unfinished, poem written in Old English alliterative meter.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
This new translation makes the complete work available for the first time in a European language and is complemented by a full introduction illuminating Jain belief and history.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
Somit wird der Homerforscher in die neusten Ergebnisse zu Textproblemen in Homers Ilias eingeführt; und bestimmte editorische Entscheidungen von West sind für den Fachmann klarer nachzuvollziehen.
subject:"Epic poetry" from
These traditions produce opposing ideas of historical narrative: a linear, teleological narrative that belongs to the imperial conquerors, and an episodic and open-ended narrative identified with "romance," the story told of and by the ...