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This book brings together a group of scholars from around the world who view psychology as the science of human ways of being.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
As a follow up to Volume 7, contributors continue to explore the latest developments in developmental psychology. Here, researchers focus on the integration of theory and research and evaluates theoretical progress and advanced research.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
This book brings together a group of scholars from around the world who view psychology as the science of human ways of being.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
This book brings together a group of scholars from around the world who view psychology as the science of human ways of being.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
Some one hundred years ago the founding fathers optimistically launched psychology as a science.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
This book contrasts earlier textbooks on “evidence-based practices.” Whereas the latter is a slogan that call for scientific evidence to be used in standardized treatment manuals, ethics-based practices call for individualized treatment ...
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
This book contrasts earlier textbooks on “evidence-based practices.” Whereas the latter is a slogan that call for scientific evidence to be used in standardized treatment manuals, ethics-based practices call for individualized treatment ...
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
When we look at the record, it is the live vaccines that have given the great successes in controlling diseases around the world. Examples are smallpox, yellow fever, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, and rubella.
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
The first of two volumes (the second, Volume 9 of the series, is forthcoming) on the relevance of history to theory, or psychology in general (i.e., how and what doing history can contribute to (theoretical) problems that face contemporary ...
bibliogroup:"Annals of theoretical psychology" from
As a follow up to Volume 7, contributors continue to explore the latest developments in developmental psychology. Here, researchers focus on the integration of theory and research and evaluates theoretical progress and advanced research.