

Book by James Reasoner
4.5/5 ˇ eBay 4/5 ˇ Apple Books
Although Stonewall Jackson was dead, Confederate morale was never higher. The victory at Chancellorsville had come against overwhelming odds, and the Southerners savored the sight of the Union army in retreat. ... Google Books
Originally published: 2001
Rating (17) ˇ 30-day returns
GETTYSBURG is fraught with tension and dramatic battle scenes, written with James Reasoner's usual attention to accuracy and detail. My two brothers-in-law, who ...
Aug 13, 2023 ˇ Reasoner's Gettysburg is told from a Southern point of view. He follows the vagaries of five brothers from Culpeper in Northern Virginia.
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Thus begins Gettysburg, the newest addition to The Civil War Battle Series, the Brannon family saga that has been praised as ``robust, detail-rich and well-paced...equal parts pathos and accuracy'' (Publishers Weekly) and ``fraught with passion, tension, and tenderness'' (Booklist).
Thus begins Gettysburg, the newest addition to The Civil War Battle Series, the Brannon family saga that has been praised as robust, detail-rich and well-paced.
In stock Rating (2)
These are beautifully written and give a thorough picture of a forgotten piece of history. The art book is very interesting, a great addition to any Madonna's fan collection!!
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A natural route to the North lies open, and Lee's army heads in that direction. They eventually clash at Gettysburg.
Rate it: Book 6. Gettysburg. by James Reasoner. 4.00 ˇ 209 Ratings ˇ 13 Reviews ˇ published 2005 ˇ 11 editions. Although Stonewall Jackson was ...
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Thus begins Gettysburg, the newest addition to The Civil War Battle Series, the Brannon family saga that has been praised as robust, detail-rich and well-paced.
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1st. - Hardcover - Cumberland House, Nashville - 2001 - Condition: As New - Dust Jacket Included - The Civil War Battle Series, Book 6.
Dec 12, 2024 ˇ Gettysburg — Reasoner, James — Gettysburg is the sixth in a ten-book series spanning the Civil War and describing its effects on one ...