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subject:"Folklore and history" from
The book also considers how contemporary festivals and other forms of cultural heritage employ the legend as a cultural recourse.
subject:"Folklore and history" from
For over a century and a half scholars have debated whether or not the legend of Robin Hood was based on an actual outlaw and, if so, when and where he lived.
subject:"Folklore and history" from
Delving into the folk history found in Ireland's oral traditions, this work reveals alternate visions of the Irish past and brings into focus the vernacular histories, folk commemorative practices, and negotiations of memory that have gone ...
subject:"Folklore and history" from
The book covers a broad spectrum of southern folk groups, folklore expressions, and major themes of southern history, including antebellum society, slavery, the coming of the Civil War, economic modernization in the Appalachians and the Sea ...
subject:"Folklore and history" from
Pourquoi traduire un manuel général allemand consacré à la culture populaire, tel qu'il est paru en 1971 ?
subject:"Folklore and history" from
การอ่านตำนานจะเห็นความรู้สึกนึกคิดของคนโบราณในช่วงเวลาหนึ่ง ...
subject:"Folklore and history" from
В монографии сконцентрирован исторический потенциал русской народной традиционной культуры из широкого пространства ее ...
subject:"Folklore and history" from
This book is first of all a detailed history - drawn from contemporary records - of that murder, showing it to be the almost inevitable result of the power struggle of the two leading families in the Northeast of Scotland, and tracing out ...
subject:"Folklore and history" from
The book includes a CD so the voices of Ballymenone can be heard at last.