This book presents a nine-step, problem-solving approach to help educators not only create such a program, but also shape the school climate to sustain and nurture it.
This groundbreaking handbook of character strengths and virtues is the first progress report from a prestigious group of researchers who have undertaken the systematic classification and measurement of widely valued positive traits.
'Education with character' is the latest buzzphrase, but until now there's been no real concensus on some of the key issues. This book addresses the gap, adopting a cross-disciplinary approach to the matters in hand.
The first book to focus on character formation in Kant's moral philosophy, it builds on important recent work on Kant's aesthetics and anthropology, and brings these to bear on moral issues.
In first The People Code and The Character Code, Dr. Hartman introduces the Color Code Personality Profile, explaining why people do what they do by identifying four basic personality types and showing you how to use "color profiles" to ...
The first book to focus on character formation in Kant's moral philosophy, it builds on important recent work on Kant's aesthetics and anthropology, and brings these to bear on moral issues.
"How we became what we are. There are many explanations. One plausible account is found in the work of Rudolph Allers who writes about the European intellectual landscape from 1850 to the opening decades of the twentieth century.