"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... M. Reasoner, eds., Documents and Images for the Study of Paul (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2011); M. Reasoner, Roman Imperial Texts: A Sourcebook (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013). 49. H. Mattingly, The Coins of the Roman Empire in the British ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... m . small hot- bed . Areostatico , áréóstátíkó , adj . aerostatic ; pallone , m . air- balloon . Arfasattello ... reasoner , disputant . Argumentare , árgúméntáré , see Argomentare . Argumento , árgúmén'tó , see Argomento ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... reasoner amongst a set of concrete objects which he has neither seen nor heard of before , and with a little time ... M ; the attribute's property P. Then the reasoned inference of P from S cannot be made without M's intermediation ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... m . reasoner , thinker . Denklehre , f . logic . Denkmal , n . monument . Denkmünze , f . medal . [ randum . Denkschrift , f . inscription ; memo- Denkspruch , m . sentence , motto . Denkungsart , f . manner of think- ing , disposition ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... M's intermediation . The ' essence ' M is thus that third or middle term in the reasoning which a moment ago was pronounced essential . For his original concrete S the reasoner substitutes its abstract property , M. What is true of M ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... M. Ingram, Fred M. White, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Francis Marion Crawford, J. Meade Falkner, Mary Shelley, Thomas Mayne Reid. When decomposition had proceeded to a very great ... reasoner in earnest. Had M. Beauvais, in his.
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... Reasoner reluctantly conceded . " I'm glad you agree , " Jim replied , " there are also a few other things we need to go over . " " And we shall , " Reasoner agreed , as Inez came into the room , car- rying a tray holding bowls of soup ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... m . reasoning , ratiocination , ar - Ramadoux , råmado , m . ich- pe - Rale , rål , Ralement , ralmin , m . Rale ... reasoner , one who loves to argue , arguer , impertinent Rajeunir , râzéunir , v . a . et n . to Rajah , raza , m ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... M's intermediation . The " essence ” M is thus that third or middle term in the reasoning which a moment ago was pronounced essential . For his original concrete S the reasoner substitutes its abstract property , M. What is true of M ...
"inauthor:" James M. Reasoner from
... M. Reasoner & Betty R. Owens , Innovative Judicial Techniques in Managing Complex Litigation , 19 Fed . Litig . Guide 603 , 605–06 ( 1989 ) ( discussing ETSI Pipeline Project v . Burlington N. , Inc. , No. B - 84-979 - CA ( E.D. Tex ...